10 Random Nutrition Thoughts

10 Random Nutrition Thoughts 1.) Going low calorie for a controlled period of time will not wreck your metabolism. Chronic low calorie dieting, just like chronic overfeeding, can have some negative consequences. Lesson being – don’t abuse either. 2.) It’s amusing how scared people are of lower calories, yet nobody seems too afraid of constantly being… Read more »

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Tips To Improve Your Physique Pt. 1

I have done a poor job at keeping up with producing content lately. Unfortunately (or fortunately), I’ve just been so busy with in person and online clients that I haven’t had the time to devote to writing. I plan to be more active these next few months as people begin to prep their “summer bodies.” Here are some… Read more »

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The Intermittent Fasting Files

Over the last few years, I have been studying, utilizing and writing about intermittent fasting and its potential benefits. I credit Martin Berkhan and Ori Hofmeklar’s work for sparking my initial interest. From there, I spent a lot of time combing through studies and playing around with different ways to implement periods of fasting. The… Read more »

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Eat More Dark Chocolate

Eat More Dark Chocolate What if I told you that you needed to add some dark chocolate to your nutrition plan? That’s a diet you could get on board with, right? Chocolate has gotten a bad reputation because of its usual high sugar and calorie content, but the criticism isn’t fair. Sure, after you add… Read more »

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Intra-Workout Nutrition: Fat Loss vs. Muscle Gain

Intra-Workout Nutrition: Fat Loss vs. Muscle Gain The days of sipping on plain old water during workouts are long gone. That is, if you’re serious about taking your physique to the next level. With the recent increase in research on nutrient timing and supplements, our knowledge of peri-workout nutrition has exploded the past few years…. Read more »

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Guide To A Lean and Muscular Physique: Setting Your Macronutrients

Setting Your Macronutrients In Part 1: Building The Foundation and Part 2: Are All Calories Created Equal of this series, I discussed picking a goal and finding your starting caloric baseline. In this section I will talk about macronutrient ratios for improved body composition. We have established the role that calories have in the body…. Read more »

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Post-Workout Carbohydrates: Why They Aren’t Necessary

Before you drown yourself in the latest sugar-laden post-workout concoction, ask yourself why? A few years ago, I wrote an article on elitefts™ about the different ways to alter your peri-workout nutrition. From fasted training to intra-workout carbohydrates to limiting carbohydrates post-workout, it stirred up a little controversy. I didn’t specifically say that one was… Read more »

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Step by Step Guide To a Lean and Muscular Physique: Are All Calories Created Equal?

If you read the first installment of this series (Read Here), I would hope that you have determined a specific goal and that you have taken your baseline measurements (body fat, weight, pictures). The next step is building your plan. I will start from the top (calories) and work down. Let me start by saying… Read more »

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How Much Protein Do You Really Need?

How Much Protein Do You Really Need? Enough is enough. Somewhere between ridiculous supplement company recommendations and broscience cooler talk, protein intake has gotten out of hand. Recently, I saw a contest preparation “coach” in my area post a picture of his client’s diet. He was having 500 grams of protein per day. That isn’t… Read more »

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Finding Balance Between Your Life and Your Diet

The concept of embarking on any sort of a diet or structured nutrition plan is terrifying for most people. They envision hunger pangs, constant tracking, low energy, mood swings, and downright unhappiness. Sounds fun, right? No, actually it sounds like total fucking torture. Why do people do this to themselves? Frankly, they don’t know any… Read more »

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